How Volopay helped AdCombo

Apr 05, 2024

Volopay helped AdCombo in expense capturing and cash flow management

AdCombo is an advertising agency that uses affiliate marketing to promote and reach target audiences.

It offers an in-house platform that connects publishers and advertisers, helping them to monetize the incoming traffic. Additionally, the anti-fraud system ensures high-quality, reliable leads.

AdCombo is a CPA (Cost per action) affiliate network that connects potential affiliates and businesses. An affiliate is anyone who wants to make money by promoting goods and services, and businesses are the ones that want their products to get advertised.

Founded in the year 2013, AdCombo bridges the gap between affiliates and businesses by providing an interactive platform where the latter can create customized advertising campaigns to reach target audiences.

AdCombo has developed a revolutionary service where users can customize their ad campaigns monitor traffic, and gain insightful analytics.

The platform offers high payouts and multiple exclusive rewards for conversions. With an active 40,000 affiliate base generating more than 200,000 leads daily, they have helped companies reach out to prospectus and potential leads located everywhere.

In order to connect publishers from all over the world, they have localized funnels, i.e., landing pages in 40+ languages. Their robust platform works extensively to ensure no lead or click is lost in the process.

Focusing on low competition tier-2 GEOs with lower CPC and higher ROI, AdCombo adds a unique “Cash on Delivery” conversion scheme to the mix, resulting in a sky-high conversion rate on widely favorite traffic sources like FB, PPC, banner, popunder networks, etc.

AdCombo's expense capturing and cash flow management hurdles before trying out Volopay

AdCombo’s innovative platform faced an expected rise in popularity - but it also, consequently, faced significant challenges in handling its accounting and finance.

Owing to multiple channels of publishers and advertisers, their finances were spread across multiple vendors and buyers. This made it difficult to track all expenses from a single location, or to be able to take bulk actions such as accounting, syncing, verification, or analysis.

This created an opaqueness in visibility over cash flow and discouraged effective conversion and decision-making.

With certain financial records impossible to locate, the situation led to no control over budgets. Their departments were either over-budgeted or under-budgeted. As there was no way to identify the potholes in the budgeting path, it wasn’t easy for them to be able to recognize any leaks and patch them effectively.

Moreover, maintaining multiple data entries of hundreds of customers became challenging with no accounting integrations. The manual re-keying of entire accounting data was highly time-consuming and back-breaking. The resulting inaccuracies led to financial statements not reflecting the correct data.

The challenge

1. No visibility over finances

2. Lack of accounting integrations

3. No control over budgets

4. Manual expense reports

The solution

1. Instant and automated employee expense reports

2. High transparency in finances

3. Effortless accounting integrations

4. Smart built-in controls for budgeting

The result

1. Quick and accurate employee expense reports

2. Complete control over spending through budgets

3. Unblinkered visibility into finances

4. Elimination of re-keying owing to accounting integrations

How AdCombo uses Volopay for expense management

Using Volopay, AdCombo eliminated the hurdles associated with expense capturing and cash flow management. The software enabled them to generate instant expense reports customized to their needs.

Since every entry into the software was validated before the fact, the reports were highly accurate and dependable. These automated reports helped them eliminate expensive and time-consuming manual labor for their employees.

In addition, our smart budgets allowed them to monitor their employee expenses, identify the budget surplus departments, and implement decisions for cost-cutting. They got hold of their spending and obtained a clear picture of the whereabouts of their finances – saving themselves thousands of dollars.  

The in-built budgetary controls added another layer of management control.

Our two-way sync accounting integration with platforms like Xero, Quickbooks, and more enabled them to sync information from one software to another. Our platform automatically extracts paid invoices from their accounting software and vice versa – making reconciliation easier.

It also made it possible for them to tag data and tax information in bulk with the aid of accounting triggers, which cut down the time spent on classification of expenses.

Why AdCombo recommends Volopay?

Using Volopay’s intuitive expense management software, AdCombo's employees had access to unlimited virtual cards – that helped them monitor various expense categories. They could track every dollar in and out of their business, enabling them to achieve better transparency. Quick data retrieval allowed them to make informed decisions.

Our platform made AdCombo overcome its accounting and financial roadblocks. By optimizing their core business processes, we helped them unlock employee satisfaction and save time and money.

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